Sara Rito

September 14, 2023

  • Physiotherapy of the mandibular-cranial-cervix system and orofacial pain course;
  • Dry Puncture on Myofascial Pain Syndrome or Temporomandibular Dysfunction course;
  • Comprehensive manual therapy approach for cervical spine pathology course;
  • Intensive training on Myofascial Trigger point and proprioceptive training and therapy course;
  • Muscle Chains and Myofascial course;
  • Electropuncture course;
  • Manual Therapy according to the Osteoetiopathic Concept (module 1) course;
  • Lymphatic Drainage course;
  • Pre and Postpartum preparation course;
  • Trigger points/Dry Puncture course;
  • Physiotherapy course for cervical spine (neck) dysfunctions;
  • Gymnastic Abdominal Hypopressive course;
  • Clinical Pilates MATWORK course;
  • Healthy Hit Pilates course;
  • Respiratory Physiotherapy Guided by Pulmonary Auscultation course;
  • Postgraduation in Women’s Health Physiotherapy;
  • Degree in Physiotherapy.